There is so much information out there on the chakras;
most of which, is so esoteric, it can be hard to apply in “real life”.
most of which, is so esoteric, it can be hard to apply in “real life”.

On my personal healing journey, I found through my yoga study, that the chakra template was so incredibly integrating, and had such a powerful effect on my awakening, that I felt inspired to share it with others. The more I understand about the chakras, the greater my desire to bring practical application into the public consciousness.

The template of the Seven Sacred Chakras has the potential to awaken, integrate, heal, and clear all sorts of issues that we, as human beings get caught up in. Experiences in the course of everyday life, from cradle to grave, can either shut us off, or bring us into resonance with the larger picture of how to magnify every precious moment in this profound gift for learning and advancing our perspective, that we call life...Whew! That was a mouthful, channeled from my Third-Eye chakra out my Throat Center;).

Tonight I was reminded of this by dear Kathy's daily photo to lift my prana: Romans 8:18 "What we now suffer is nothing in comparison to the Glory He will reveal to us..."
Just as we can read the lines in the hand, our own chakra fingerprint can teach us a lot about the deeper wisdom of who we really are, and what we’re supposed to do about it.
The Chakra system is often taught as a compartmentalized ladder, leading only one way. There is very little understanding of how we move on the journey from Crown to Root.
Through what I would honestly have to call a "Supersize" dose of life experience, I am one of the only teachers who facilitates, not only the downward journey, once awakened, but Bodhi Yoga seems to stand alone in teaching how to learn to access an awakened chakra imprint to work as "One Undulating Stream of Body, Mind, Spirit Intelligence™".
My journey is one of teaching people how using both the liberating and manifesting currents simultaneously opens up potentials that are beyond the scope of measure. A powerful blend of potential when it comes to getting the most out of all aspects of life; rather than trying to reach some misguided sense of immunity and “call” it peace.
Learning hidden wisdom, getting more acquainted with the essence of who we are, and learning to captain our own acceleration on the track of life, as one of the deepest and best rides ever created, is what we were doing just last week at Bodhi Yoga.
I joined in person, with "13" sacred souls for our annual Bodhi Yoga Chakra Retreat. We had an amazing time learning the spectrum of the individual chakra colors, using a full-spectrum-aromatherapy, movement, gemstone therapy, yoga, meditation and more, including deep tears and deeper laughter.
Our week was an amazing time, where we learned the hidden wisdom behind our ChakraTwin, soulmate, and Eternal Counterpart; at the levels of mind, body and spirit connectedness. An incredibly empowering story of our Divine Essence, that IS what the chakras are all about.
Near the end of our week, we wanted a group picture and I tip-toed, barefooted outside to see if there might be someone doing yard work who could come in and take a photo of our group.
I found a nice looking, tall young man with a rake in his hand, who was happy to oblige, and knew just how to work my camera. As we walked back together into the Bodhi Yoga Center, on a lovely spring day, I knew I wanted to introduce him to the group properly and asked his name.
His miraculous reply was: “Syl” (short for Sylvan, my given name is Sylvia).
I introduced myself as Syl, as well; and prepared him for the loud laughter that would ensue when I shared his name with the group (in hopes that he would not take it personally) as we had been learning about our Eternal Chakra Twin. It was an "ask and it is given" moment, that will forever put a smile on my face.
Our week together was filled with life-changing, serendipitous experiences like this one, that served as an energetic confirmation that what we were doing there was having multidimensional ramifications. The support and comfortable energy of our group was so touching as we served, cared and were inspired by one another during our chakra retreat. (A special thank you to the "Syl" who was standing behind the lens, taking this photo).
Our week was filled with deep processing, clearing and integration. We learned to recognize and use the chakras as one undulating strand; with the realization of DNA potential as an incredible reward for learning to ground, play, stand, love, sing, see and feel the reality of a life well lived on all realms of consciousness!
Over the next year, we will be filming this incredible journey, to make it available to many more of you. We will also do it again one year from now, and hope you will join us in person!
I invite you to start exploring the wonderful products we have online, and when you come in person, you will:
The Chakra system is often taught as a compartmentalized ladder, leading only one way. There is very little understanding of how we move on the journey from Crown to Root.

My journey is one of teaching people how using both the liberating and manifesting currents simultaneously opens up potentials that are beyond the scope of measure. A powerful blend of potential when it comes to getting the most out of all aspects of life; rather than trying to reach some misguided sense of immunity and “call” it peace.
Learning hidden wisdom, getting more acquainted with the essence of who we are, and learning to captain our own acceleration on the track of life, as one of the deepest and best rides ever created, is what we were doing just last week at Bodhi Yoga.
I joined in person, with "13" sacred souls for our annual Bodhi Yoga Chakra Retreat. We had an amazing time learning the spectrum of the individual chakra colors, using a full-spectrum-aromatherapy, movement, gemstone therapy, yoga, meditation and more, including deep tears and deeper laughter.

Near the end of our week, we wanted a group picture and I tip-toed, barefooted outside to see if there might be someone doing yard work who could come in and take a photo of our group.
I found a nice looking, tall young man with a rake in his hand, who was happy to oblige, and knew just how to work my camera. As we walked back together into the Bodhi Yoga Center, on a lovely spring day, I knew I wanted to introduce him to the group properly and asked his name.
His miraculous reply was: “Syl” (short for Sylvan, my given name is Sylvia).
I introduced myself as Syl, as well; and prepared him for the loud laughter that would ensue when I shared his name with the group (in hopes that he would not take it personally) as we had been learning about our Eternal Chakra Twin. It was an "ask and it is given" moment, that will forever put a smile on my face.

Our week was filled with deep processing, clearing and integration. We learned to recognize and use the chakras as one undulating strand; with the realization of DNA potential as an incredible reward for learning to ground, play, stand, love, sing, see and feel the reality of a life well lived on all realms of consciousness!

I invite you to start exploring the wonderful products we have online, and when you come in person, you will:
- Have the chance to purchase rare-precious-grade essential oils that cover Full Spectrum Aroma & Color Therapy™ for each chakra center, as well as integrate the streaming, interconnected potential for your Chakras.
- Give and receive simple Thai Partner Yoga techniques that are chakra specific.
- Learn Bodhi Yoga’s Four Approaches to Chakra Therapy™ and when to use each one for full integration.
- Endless options for Chakra Yoga Practice, Meditation, Yoga Chant and so much more.
- Enjoy the 150-page, full color manual that is chuck full of incredible hidden wisdom on the chakras. Learn more about next year's event here

I look forward to the Gateway hosted by Janet Barlow on Saturday May 12th to support all the incredible work we did during our week, for any that want to join in on that group.
Thank you again to all my Soul Chakra Sisters & Bro, and a special thank you to all of you who assisted me this week in the most loving way as I renew my strength and stamina. (gratitude tear down my cheek)

Near or far I thank you for taking this wild ride along with me and hope to see you all in person soon!
P.S. Thank you to Jeanne (owner of Gomm Stained Glass Studios) again, for your impromptu gift of bringing us each a stained glass star ornament! I love mine, and the beautiful work you do. The first image on Jeanne's website is the Bodhi Yoga Mandala she did for us in stained glass that graces the alter at the center.
You can watch the talented process she used in bringing it into full fruition here!
White Mountain Yoga L.L.C, dba Bodhi Yoga 2002 © All Rights Reserved
I loved this training! It was a profound experience as each chakra was brought into balance and harmoniously connected to the collective whole. I came away from this training wholly integrated, lovely!
Thank you for offering such a comprehensive and applicable source of study and experience.
This Chakra Workshop was a great experience with a wonderful group of people...
There were many things that I enjoyed about the week we spent together, but what really pulled me in was the integration of the essential oils for each of the Chakras that really seemed to take this experience to a whole new level!
An amazingl week together and wonderful heartfelt bonding. I was very impressed with the life changing information about the chakras so thoroughly taught and practiced. Thank you, Syl, for your work in preparing the very organized manual, sharing your knowledge, wisdom, energy and caring. I look forward to any and all future events.
Words are not strong enough for me to express how this powerful week long journey up and down the Chakras has impacted my life. Even though the training ended several days ago, I am still experiencing profound shifts. I love this! As i integrate this knowledge into my everyday life I find that the Chakras bring about a rich essence of change and newness. For me the best image to use in describing the change I feel is that of a caterpillar literally liquefying in its cocoon. This metamorphous is even know transforming me into a new beautiful creation. Thank you Syl for your personal experiences that have shaped this training. Through your lessons we have all learned. Namaste.
Any workshop is an adventure with our wonderful Goddess Guru Syl! This one especially as she took us inside of her rich life experience. Coming to Bodhi for a workshop is an experience not to be missed! The information is life changing. I could try to describe it but it is much better if you come and experience it for yourself! See you next year! Thank you Syl and namaste!
I loved every minute of this retreat! There was so much information to take in so I am really glad to be able to have the chakra work book to look at while at home. The knowledge I gained while there will no doubt help me in every aspect of my life. I left feeling better all around. I could not have spent the week in a better way! Loved it! Thank you, Syl!!
The Advaced Chakra Workshop was amazing. I now know the feeling of the energies circling around each other from root to crown and back.These 6 days intergrated all my previous knowledge and now I feel so confident I can help other people as they begin their journey of opening their Chakras. Syl brought her magical insight to us.
Now I can use all the tools I have to help others. The aroma therapy opened the whole spiral up for me. The rich sharing of knowledge and the love within the group was invigorating.
Thank you Syl for all you shared and your ability to share it with us. My heart sings with the reflexion of our time spent together. Namaste, Carol
wow, what to say...This workshop was such an incredible ride! I could feel things shifting and changing and am now "facing" the ramifications of what happens when we're prepared to face our stuff...we then get to face our stuff, and make some needed changes :) It's a wonderful chance to begin or continue a healing journey. I loved how often Syl explained the applications of the theories of the Chakras. It's given me a way to better understand some of the experiences of life. Much love to you Syl and to all who made it such a wonderful experience!
Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I love the way each one of your experiences amidst our group was so specific and individually honored by the whole! Andrea emailed me today and asked me to pass along her comments about her time with us to you:
"At the beginning of this training, I remarked to the class, that I wanted this training to be a sacred time for me as I am embarking on a new journey of change. I also shared some other ways I wanted to feel healing in my life. I hoped this training would give me tools to feel more integrated, aligned and balanced. I recieved everything I asked for and more! I left feeling more grounded than I can ever remember. I have had family and friends comment on my peaceful shift. Thank you Syl, for the beautiful teacher you are and for providing a sacred space for learning and growth. NAMASTE, Andrea"
May Peace and Blessings Beyond Measure flow continually through all of you!
What a wonderful week! I loved the information, the great energy, the oils, the movement, the amazing group, and of course Syl's beyond words knowledge, experience, and beautiful spirit! The learning, love, and growth will continue to bless me in my journey. Thanks and love! Sandy
The week I spent with you and all the other yogis was one I will not soon forget. Not knowing what to expect at first, I gingerly approached the chakra world. Now I see new meaning in everything I do because of what we learned. I finished the window I mentioned in class and infortunatly it didn't get accepted in the Spring Salon in Sprinville, but it will hang in the Spring Fine Art Show at the Health and Justice Building in Provo. The class opened my mind to new meaning in my window design and more understanding in my relationships and myself. Thank you Syl, for this opportunity.
Hi Syl,
I enjoyed your site’s graphics a lot.
I have some new Spiritual Infographics at that fit your niche. They’re free to embed if you think your visitors would enjoy them.
Richard Crown
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