Most people avoid the fact that we all have a Second Chakra...Do you know why?
The Second Chakra holds the shadow. All those things we don't talk about. Were you ever told that you were delivered to your parents by "The Stork" or found out back in "The Cabbage Patch"?
...need I say more...yup Second Chakra!
The Second Chakra is our center for Sexuality, Nurturing, Movement, and that fabulous trait of Instinctual Creativity!
Some of the most creative movements you do all day (unless you practice Bodhi Yoga or schedule a Private Session) happen at your "morning stretch". Most morning stretches are followed by a smile and "AAHHHHH". This is an instinctual movement that balances the pelvis.
Did you know you hold a lot of your potential for Joy and happiness in your Second Chakra, your sacrum and area from your navel down to your low abdomen.
Most of our world culture still really does not know how to deal with the issues of the Second Center. Sexuality in general is usually either exploited or repressed.
We can re-claim a healthy Second Chakra by increasing our ability to feel pleasure IN ANY AREA of LIFE.
The Pleasure of enjoying a good meal, scheduling body-work, participating in yoga classes or DVDs, as well as enjoying a healthy physical relationship between loving equals brings the joy of the Second Chakra into full bloom and benefits all the chakras of your body, mind and spirit!
Remember that as the light gets brighter the shadow gets darker... unless... you become one with the source of light.
The closer you come to the light source the more the shadow integrates! No more need to exploit or repress. What an incredible potential for our world!
Remember, your second chakra holds all your instinctual creativity. Very different from inspired, yet complimentary.
So when you just know, deep in your gut, that it's time to re-do the kitchen or rearrange the furniture, and you "FEEL" it's time, it's your Second Chakra talking!
Learn more about the Chakras now by enrolling in a life-changing online chakra therapy program called 7 Chakras Mind & Body by clicking HERE!
1 comment:
Nice posting. Do you know about these chakra books?
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