In the Charkas there are two currents, that consciousness flows through: Liberating and Manifesting. Liberating goes up and is symbolic of the feminine or YIN. Manifesting goes down and is symbolic Masculine or YANG. The Manifesting current brings our thoughts from dream to reality.
So in the Liberating current we move from Root to Crown Chakra (1-7). This is the path of breaking free from patterns of unconscious behavior toward more mindfulness.
This current does what is says, Liberates you to live more fully.
The chakras are both a 7-tiered body/mind yoga philosophy and the literal path of human development.
Today you get a taste of the Root, the beginning, the basics:
Do you feel like you matter?
Do you believe everyone is happy you were born?
How much do you love your body?
Do you feel like your body loves you?
Matter is the meat of the Root Chakra, protein is the food, you feed your Root when you get the right amount in your diet.
In Judeo-Christian belief on the first day God organized the MATTER, that was DAY ONE--In creating a Liberated whole, healthy life, the job of your Root or Chakra ONE is to organize what matters most to you!
How well do you prioritize your life on a daily basis, where do you need to make changes to make your daily routines run smoother, finances work better?
How can you organize what matters most in your life so you are free to share your physical energy with people, places or things that energize your physical body and levels of vitality?
You can start by throwing out your "To Do" list and:
For 3-days try making a list of only those things you can physically do in one day, ONLY the stuff you will for sure do. This is a way you can slow excessive expectations on your physical body.
On the back of your page make a list of everything you want to accomplish, if you had unlimited time, resources and physical ability--at the top of this page write: "miracles in my physical creation".
This page is for surrendering to the power of the Crown Chakra and it's ability to work in tandem with the Root on your behalf! In the 8-limbed path of Yoga this is part of the first aspect called "Yama", surrendering all your actions to God.
As you turn the bigger "to-dos'" over the the energy of the Crown, you will be surprised at the people and events that seem to appear from nowhere, that help you accomplish more that you physically thought possible.
Learn more about the Chakras now by enrolling in a life-changing online chakra therapy program called 7 Chakras Mind & Body by clicking HERE!