In my preparations for our Spring 2012 chakra retreat, these meditations are supporting me. As we near the time this fall where I will share the deep wisdom that is surfacing, to help us with the 2012 (and beyond) shift, I am feeling humbled. Why the teachings of the chakras are coming through me in this way I don't know. What I do know is that the information we get to feast on this March is life-changing, life-affirming and liberating.
The old ways of seeing life aren't supporting us in the same way they have. Yet the new ways still feel a little unfamiliar, as we watch the global shift in consciousness unfolding right before our eyes. One of the best ways to create the space for your life to shift with this awakening tide is to stay humble. I don't mean humble in the overly reverent sense. I mean humble in the root chakra sense. The word humility comes from the Latin: Humus-"To come to ground". So we need to ride the shift and still stay grounded. Being humble is being grounded, and getting grounded takes humility.
So what's the mantra that surfaced from my incredibly grounded seated meditation, below my beloved willow? This tree is so sacred to me. I have been coming here for over 10 years. I have shared this space with just two people, Rex and Tom.
It is no mistake that a yogi with Rheumatoid Arthritis would navigate her way to sit below a Willow tree. Willow bark being an important ingredient in aspirin. My body has always finds harmony with the natural world and my mind finds harmony in the cosmos, and my chakras are the bridge between them, so when I heard my mantra, it's no mistake that I experienced a small miracle almost immediately....
As I worked my Malas through my fingers I heard myself begin to say: "I surrender my life to thy love in store for me". My body responded to these words. I could feel all my chakras awaken.
What does that feel like?
Well, it feels like they all begin pulsating waves of vibration as they move as ONE UNDULATING STREAM rather than separate, fragments of a much bigger whole. It is a LOVELY feeling...We will be learning about it this September at the "Spirals Chakra Retreat", I am giving in person at Bodhi Yoga.

It was mid day with no rain, yet above me a band of color was moving across the sky. In person it was enormous, it reminded me a the Aurora Borealis. The colors changed and shifted in a wide band right before my eyes. The indigo and violet, the reds and greens flowed right above my head in an intensity I had never seen.
The "Love in Store for Me", was offered immediately, and all I could say was "Thank you God, that was quick"... Hmmmm... another great mantra.
I snapped this photo with my phone, that doesn't do it justice, yet I am grateful to have it to share with you. The message was not lost on me: A rainless rainbow, the blessing beyond any struggle! It is huge and it is the way of our future, when we understand the steps to living that way all the time...
So I hope you will join me this September in person, and learn "Where Your Spirals Meet". We will take an amazing and deep dive into your chakras and learn how to use them as One Undulating Stream to bridge staying grounded with navigating this new shift into the Age of Truth.
You will learn a whole new way to live your potential! The recipe is with in you, whenever you are ready for it!
Learn more about this important event here: