The throat Chakra is your center of communication, you know, but did you realize your clothing, car, home and occupation are also an expressions from your communication center as well as the "VIBE" you get from others. The things, people and places you surround yourself with "Say" a lot about who you are communicating yourself to be:
In College one of the first questions we ask a new friend is "what's your major", because that "SAYS" a lot about the person, as does what he/she chooses to wear, eat, even our body's posture, as well as the language or accents we share as we speak....and how well we listen, to others, and really listen to ourselves!
In the same way when we choose to physically say things that are not true, when we choose to present ourselves in a way that is inconsistent with our truth, we can suffer and create suffering in others. Lies, verbal or non, inhibit the throat center and literally dam up the energy of the throat. This often makes us need to swallow. What we are swallowing is our truth. When we hold it in, it can begin to go rancid inside of us. The truth needs sharing in order to live it's Dharma.
So next time you go to put something on a credit card you really can't afford, or buy a car that is beyond your financial means, check in and see how your throat chakra feels about it.
Exercises to enliven a healthy Throat Communication Center:
1-Look around your house and see how well it reflects the real YOU.
2- Examine your life and see where you can live a more balanced lifestyle.
3-Take 24 hours and do your best to avoid exaggeration in conversations.
4-Listen to others with the intent not only to hear, but to check in and see what kind of a "Vibe" what they are saying gives YOU!
5-Use your throat chakra to open your heart by expressing appreciation to others.
Learn more about the Chakras now by enrolling in a life-changing online chakra therapy program called 7 Chakras Mind & Body by clicking HERE!