In addition to being the center for LOVE, the Heart Center is your place of balance/equilibrium.
The wisdom of your heart helps you handle both "charging" and "deflating" energies in your life.
Where in your life do you feel things are "out of balance"? Whatever it is, it is most likely related to your heart...Either your ability to love or BE LOVED.
Did you know feeling lonely is your Heart Center trying to bring an excessive "deflation" in your life into balance? Loneliness is a message that your heart charka is hungry to give and receive. It can bring on the demon of the heart chakra, grief which can become addicting and close you down over extended periods of time.
Take four deep breaths and tune into the soothing effect it has on your heart. Breathing brings in the miracle of Grace into your heart.
Did you know when you are having a great day and time flows quickly you are in a state of whole-heartedness. Wholeheartedness "charges" your fourth Chakra. Finding something you feel wholehearted about, aprentices you to BEAUTY in all areas of your life...Think of someone or thing, or place that brings you more alive...
This is what balance really feels like...ahhhhhh.
In the Bible creation story, God created the Sun and Moon on the fourth day. The archetypal energies for counterparts, co-hearts, Yang & Yin, Masculine and Feminine. (note: in the bible story, God also began by going up the chakras, the liberating current, before actually manifesting down humanity into physical being..)
Did you know that the period between winter and spring, and summer and fall, as the seasons come into balance is some of the best time to work with your heart energy.
When you are between seasons your physical and energy bodies are moving into balance...
People often experience the change of seasons as dis-harmony (getting sick, feeling more joint & muscle pain, emotional unrest).
This is actually all your systems searching for equilibrium as the seasons settle into balance...The perfect time for more self-love and allowing yourself to be loved by others.
Take time to eat better, increase rest and de-stress...hopefully at Bodhi Yoga!
From one "Co-Heart" to another, I wish YOU a beautiful day!
Heart Chakra Bonus:
For "Co-hearted" lovers in a committed relationship, this heart chakra breath is incredibly powerful:
In the tantric Yab/Yum position, lips touching, eye-gazing, one lover inhales as the other exhales, synchronizing your breath in tandem with each other, as you rock back & fourth.
This is a compassionate gift to share with one another. A beautiful heart chakra breath that deepens the level of intimacy and connection between partners.
Learn more about the Chakras now by enrolling in a life-changing online chakra therapy program called 7 Chakras Mind & Body by clicking HERE!