Did you know your body is made up of trillions of Chakras...Do you know what a Chakra is?
If not, it's time to learn this profound system of Mind/Body Integration.
If you have heard of Chakras, do you think you have seven separate chakras? Think again!
The chakras are both a philosophy, a powerful metaphor; as well as the way what we think do and say manifest in our rock-solid real-life.
Did you know you have energy moving both up and down your chakras all the time? There's more... Learn more about the Chakras now by enrolling in a life-changing online chakra therapy program called 7 Chakras Mind & Body by clicking HERE!
Look for a series of special Charka Talk blog posts on your chakras 1-7 with healing info to enliven your journey!
"It's Thursday Evening...Do you know where your CHAKRAs are? You can by clicking below:
Discover your Seven Primary Chakras HERE!
(just click on the second tab on the link you're going to that says: Need Basics-What is a Chakra?)